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Mass Notification
Mass Notification Systems (a.k.a. Emergency Communication Systems) provide real-time information to all building occupants or personnel in the immediate vicinity of a building during emergency situations.
Functional Systems provides Mass Notification/Emergency Communications Systems broadcast live, up-to-the minute emergency information to everyone in a building, campus, or multiple facilities spread across a city, state, even the globe, to help prevent injuries and save lives.
Functional Systems provides Emergency Mass Notification Systems that instantly sends text and/or audio messages throughout a facility or across an entire campus in a matter of seconds, not minutes.
A reliable licensed UHF radio frequency is used to immediately communicate threats across the entire campus. When cell phones, land lines, email and other publicly shared communications become overloaded, this dedicated emergency broadcast system will continue to function.
All Department of Defense (DOD) components are required to provide mass notification capability. This UFC (Unified Facilities Criteria) was developed by collecting and refining criteria from DOD antiterrorism guidance, examining previous mass notification system evaluation reports, and reviewing the capabilities of representative, commercially available mass notification products.
Mass Notification Products and Manufacturers
Click on the links below to visit or Manufacturer websites for more details about our specific mass notification products: